How to keep a work-life balance
It’s not easy balancing work and home, but how well you manage this can make a significant difference to your relationship with your family. There are pros and cons to every option. If you are employed full-time or part-time, you may: have a better standard of living and have fewer money problems. feel pleased you're making a contribution and have more self-esteem. have friends and a social life outside the home. But you may also feel: overwhelmed with too much work that you are missing out on family life. that you're not there for your kids or your partner. resentful of how much you have to do around the house. too tired or busy to enjoy your social life. There are no 'right' or 'wrong' choices, and your choices will change at different stages in your family’s life. If you are in a couple, it may feel easier if one partner stays at home while the other goes out to work or if one is in full-time employment and the other part-time,...