
How to keep a work-life balance

It’s not easy balancing work and home, but how well you manage this can make a significant difference to your relationship with your family. There are pros and cons to every option. If you are employed full-time or part-time, you may: have a better standard of living and have fewer money problems. feel pleased you're making a contribution and have more self-esteem. have friends and a social life outside the home. But you may also feel: overwhelmed with too much work that you are missing out on family life. that you're not there for your kids or your partner. resentful of how much you have to do around the house. too tired or busy to enjoy your social life. There are no 'right' or 'wrong' choices, and your choices will change at different stages in your family’s life. If you are in a couple, it may feel easier if one partner stays at home while the other goes out to work or if one is in full-time employment and the other part-time,...

How computers affect our health

Can you remember the last day when you haven’t used your computer? Or the last week when you didn’t touch the keyboard? I’m pretty sure you can’t, as computers entered our lives fast and we are now used to use them every day . All this sounds ok, but I’m guessing you don’t know what health problems we are exposed to if we use computers too much. A few weeks ago I’ve came across a short list of health problems caused by a geek lifestyle, but I didn’t had time to tell you about them, till today. The effects of extensive computer usage have been long debated, and studies have shown various long-term and short-term health problems attributable to excessive computer usage. Imagine that you work 8 hours a day 5 days a week in front of a PC. If you are not taking care of your health like giving breaks frequently while working, doing a little exercise daily, taking long walks or running at least once a week then do not think that your health will stay with you forever. Using...

Android vs. iOS

Android vs. iOS: Which smartphone platform is the best? If you’re buying a new smartphone today, chances are very good that it will run Google’s Android or Apple’s iOS mobile operating systems. These two platforms accounted for more than 99 percent of all new smartphones shipped over the last year, and that rose to 99.7 percent in 2017, according to IDC . Microsoft has thrown in the towel with Windows Phone, BlackBerry makes Android devices now, and there are very few other options worth considering. The good news is that both smartphone operating systems are excellent. They have far more in common than divides them, but there are some important differences that you’ll want to consider. We’re going to pit Android vs. iOS in several categories here and pick a winner for each one. Ultimately, the best platform for yo...

5 Reasons Why Cellphones Are Bad For Your Health

Constant cell phone use can impose a lifetime of health issues. Here are five reasons why.     Ninety-one percent of American adults and 60 percent of teens own this device that has revolutionized communication in the 21st century — the cellphone. Whether you own an Android, an iPhone, a Blackberry, or a basic flip phone, chances are you check your phone for messages, alerts, or calls even when your mobile device isn't ringing or vibrating, reports a Pew Internet & American Life Project survey. The modern convenience that cell phones provide is responsible for everyone's increased daily use. According to the Morningside Recovery Rehabilitation Center, the average American spends 144 minutes a day using his or her phone during a 16-hour period. With an estimated six billion subscriptions worldwide and counting, cell phones have become one of the fundamental means of communication in society. While cell phones provide an efficient and easy way to com...




Tanga is both the name of the most northerly seaport city of Tanzania , and the surrounding Tanga Region . It is the Regional Headquarters of the region. With a population of 273,332 in 2012, Tanga is one of the largest cities in the country. It is a quiet city compared to, for example, Arusha or Moshi with a comparable number of inhabitants. The city of Tanga sits on the Indian Ocean , near the border with Kenya . Major exports from the port of Tanga include sisal , coffee , tea , and cotton . Tanga is also an important railroad terminus, connecting much of the northern Tanzanian interior with the sea. Via the Tanzania Railways Corporation 's Link Line and Central Line, Tanga is linked to the African Great Lakes region and the Tanzanian economic capital of Dar es Salaam . The city is served by Tanga Airport . The harbour and surrounding is the centre of life in Tanga. It is stretched out several km² into the country. It has several markets in several neighborhoods. ...

Life Rules: 10 Essential Rules For Living Your Best Life

Life Rules: 10 Essential Rules For Living Your Best Life “Life is the only game in which the object of the game is to learn the rules.” – Ashleigh Brilliant I f I asked you to tell me what you’ve learned so far to have the best, happiest, most successful life, what advice would you give me?   What are the rules (or rules of thumb) you’ve learned in your 20,30,50, 80 years of life? I’ve been getting a lot of emails on the subject lately, and I’ve struggled to answer the question myself.  What really matters in life? What really makes you happy? So I went back to the basics.  I thought a lot about my own life and wrote down the principles I use to guide everything I do.  I then wondered – were there any studies on the subject? I was happy to find that there was.  So, these aren’t just my rules – these are rules that research also shows can improve your life. And, perhaps unsurprisingly, it starts with love...